Spring Rx for Success
Welcome to my blog. This is the first official post on my new website, makeamericasacredagain.com. Thank you for being here.
Let’s jump right in. Your prescription for success and less stress this Spring during an epic 7 week transit is – masturbation (self first) and anal play (lets stay grounded).
Welcome to eclipse season. This is the start of a seven-week period that will leave you different than it found you. Along with the two eclipses we also have a gathering of many different planets occurring just before the second eclipse (Saturn, Neptune, Venus, Mercury and the north node). All of this is taking place at the end of the sign of Pisces. This is important because Pisces is also the end of the zodiac. There is not a more karmic place that this great gathering could occur. That means the changes that come about because of what occurs in your life in March and April are destined and undeniable and it is all about the future. The important thing to remember is that this is not happening to you, it is happening with you. The universe wants to co-create with you. Stand firm in yourself and know that no matter what you encounter between now and the end of April when this cycle wraps up, that you are here for a purpose. You were either chosen to be here or chose to come here to this earth plane at this time. It is empowering to know that your presence here is needed and wanted and the decisions that you are about to make matter.
It’s not until the final week of this seven-week period, at the end of April, that we’re going to see a clearing of the energy that first occurred on election day back in November. April will be the third and final peak of this energy (Mars in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius). The second peak was Christmas Eve. I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to putting some of the feelings I’ve had since November behind me. What comes next will remain to be seen over the next two-ish months, but I trust that the universe is always striving for balance and harmony, which is just another way of saying where are we going to make some space for all of this chaos to call home?
As I was anticipating this seven-week transit and all that it entails and reflecting back on the impact of Covid on all our lives, it was clear to me this is a major turning point that is woven into so many recent events stretching back (IMO) all the way to 9-11. Under all this hefty cosmic weight, I began to wonder and then began to experiment with what we can do to maintain a balance and centered self during this challenging time. I’m someone who believes that the universe has a sense of humor. Via experimentation, curiosity, and my overarching desire for wellness I discovered that the prescription for this spring to avoid the many pitfalls that may be before us is to masturbate and experience some anal play. Ha ha universe. And so that is the message I bring before you today.
Recently, when I climbed into a private, heated mineral bath in the mountains I was immediately overcome with the desire to please myself. Masturbation is self-love. I’ve always enjoyed masturbation, but I’d never “made love” to myself. The urge was so intense and unexpected. I realized at that moment masturbation could be an incredible tool for putting self first, releasing some tension and enjoying the benefits of a healthy dopamine hit and that’s the moment the Spring Subscription for Success started. I did more than touch myself that day. I touched myself in a way that was so similar to the way I’ve previously only touched other people, but on that day in the private heated mineral waters - alone all by myself - I surrendered. What happened next wasn’t a form of autoeroticism. I was not turned on by the sight or feel of my naked body. I was overwhelmed by a desire to recognize my beauty, to demonstrate how desirable I am and to share that beauty and knowledge with myself: to touch myself and praise myself, to shower myself with love in a way that previously I had only allowed other others to do for me. And yet, here I was neck deep in these hot healing waters, touching myself under the water and above the water, pressing my back into the warm tiles and spreading my feet wide, so I could brace myself against the wall on the other side and keep my legs open. It was unexpected. It was deep. It was moving, and it was incredibly beautiful.
The self is a very big theme moving forward into the future. The health of the cells determines the health of the network, and we are in the age of Aquarius, which is the age of the network/digital era/collective. Therefore, how we treat ourselves is more important now than ever. It is not being selfish, but putting self first. With all of the energies and planets and transit happening near to or at the Aries activation point (0° Aries ) I realized this was a path through the next month and a half, a tool to help alleviate a very particular type of stress. I can’t think of a better way to put yourself first than to make the time and opportunity to connect with how beautiful and desirable you are and to explore your bodies potential for direct pleasure, to explore the heavenly capabilities that you were born in to. I hope you will take some time between now and the end of April to tap into the amount of love that you can give to yourself and how gratifying and intense it can be.
Discovering the depths of self love in my private mineral bath was just the beginning. The second prescript is about getting grounded. I’ve been a professional dominatrix for over 15 years and prior to that I worked in direct patient services in healthcare starting at the age of 14. I am incredibly familiar with what happens below the waist and on the backside. I am incredibly familiar with how to care for this part of our body from a medical perspective and I’m even more familiar with how to activate this area for physical pleasure. Like I told my students at Hopkins earlier this week: I’ve been making a living off of ass in one way or another my entire career. I’m so familiar with anal care and anal play that it’s not that interesting to me, personally. Then it occurred to me that my desire to stay grounded the next seven weeks could easily be achieved through anal play. Whether you’re looking at the chakra system, testimonies from people who enjoy this type of play, or you’re in the dungeon with me where I administer prostate play like it’s a reset button for the male psyche - I recognize the power of butt play to ground a person and to release/dispel whatever crazy tension they might be experiencing. This spring, despite the fact that receiving anal play is not at the top of my list? I will hopefully be employing another person or possibly employing myself to make sure that if at any point in the next seven weeks I feel like I can’t go on because I feel overwhelmed, or angry or frustrated? I will make a point to schedule and complete some backdoor play.